TECPDS Verified

Tym the Trainer is proud to have many trainings verified with The Texas Early Childhood Professional Development System (TECPDS). As a courtesy, participants with a TECPDS WFR User ID will have their certificates uploaded into the registry when they complete trainings with a TECPDS ID. However, we cannot guarantee that all trainings will be uploaded automatically. Participants may still manually upload their training certificates into TECPDS.

Do you already have a TECPDS WFR User ID? Make sure to add it to your Tym The Trainer profile by clicking on the 'My Profile' menu.

Find your TECPDS User ID on your Dashboard when you login at https://public.tecpds.org.

If you haven't yet created a TECPDS account, visit their website at https://public.tecpds.org/sign-up/.

For further instructions, visit https://public.tecpds.org/help/how-to-guides/how-to-locate-your-tecpds-id-to-register-for-events/.

Clarification: Non-verified trainings are still accepted by Child Care Regulations and Texas Rising Star. Verified trainings simply means they are recognized by The Texas Early Childhood Development System and can uploaded into their database.


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