Immunizations can protect children against diseases that can make them very sick and be life threatening. Different immunizations are needed during the first five years of life. Recommended immunizations protect against these diseases.
What do you see after the shot?
- Some redness, pain, and swelling where the shot was given.
- The child may cry and be fussy.
- The child may have a fever and a rash from some shots.
What adults can do to help?
- Let the child rest.
- Give Tylenol for fever and soreness, if the child is older than 2 years and with parent permission.
- Give the child liquids to drink.
- Encourage parents to give the child a lukewarm bath at home.
When should parents call a doctor or nurse?
- If the child cries for more than 3 hours.
- The child has a lot of pain where he received the shot.
- The child has a fever for longer more 48 hours.
- The child looks sick
- The red area where the shot was given is larger than 2 inches or a half dollar. The red area becomes bigger after 24 hours.
- The child has a seizure (convulsion).
- The child is sleepy and does not wake up to eat.
Other things to know…
- Shots are also called immunizations or vaccinations.
- Children are encouraged to get all required shots.
Required Immunizations in Texas:

Information about different Immunizations
- Measles cause fever, weakness, cough, and rash. It may cause breathing problems or convulsions.
- Mumps cause fever, headache, and earache. The glands on the side of the neck may swell.
- Rubella, or German measles, cause fever, rash, and sore throat.
- Diphtheria affects the nose, throat, and skin. It can cause suffocation or paralysis and heart damage. Diphtheria may be fatal.
- Tetanus, or lockjaw, cause painful muscle contractions. It may be fatal.
- Pertussis, or whooping cough, cause continuous cough that can last several weeks.
- Chicken Pox causes fever and a rash and can affect internal organs.
- Rotavirus causes severe vomiting and diarrhea.
- Polio may cause paralysis, meningitis, and respiratory infections.
- Hib (Haemophilus influenza) may cause ear infection, meningitis, pneumonia, and other complications.
- Hepatitis A and B affect the liver and can cause death.
- Pneumococcal disease is a respiratory infection that may cause meningitis or other complications.
- Influenza may cause serious complications. An annual flu vaccine is recommended.